Monday, April 6, 2009


semana santa

Aside from personal sacrifices and repentance,

"Remember this - very little is needed to make a happy life."
~~Marcus Aurelius


photosandmemos April 7, 2009 at 12:52 AM  

tumpak ka jane=) gamay ra gyud...apan elusive kaayo ang know what, sa akong pag panarbaho sa UK, and usahay pag sideline nako sa mental health unit (doing groupwork with clients), kakita gyud ko that bisan some people live the life, have everything (on the outside), they are so unhappy, they commit self-harm, and sometimes, end up in suicide. sakit sa dughan. they cant see it for themselves.

for me, happiness is a chemical reaction, and a choice (spiritual cleansing). some people are blessed with a positive outlook, some are born with a hormone deficieny sa brain that makes them predisposed to be unhappy...and for people who are aware of that, they choose happiness by indulging in spiritual activities (not necessarily a religious one), or something that nourishes their spirit..

sorry, jane if taas akong reply,this really hits home for one of those who have tendencies to be low sometimes, but i choose happiness by appreciating the people around me (family and friends like you), and prayers too.

love that photo ha=) nindot imong composition jane=)

plain jin April 7, 2009 at 7:47 AM  

oi chel! i agree with you especially in the second paragraph. i do think it is a chemical reaction, too, aside from being a choice. sometimes, it's just how you were built.

and appear chel. i have those tendencies to feel low, too. =( but i always think I will always have a choice to be happy. choose happiness, choose wellness (choose nescafe! haha! jk.) =)

thanks chel. haha. is da tayming alreydi. di na siya kurog. hihi.

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