Monday, March 23, 2009

of cam phone photography

byulet-ifully kurog. hihi. pasmo ang show. :hide:

In one of my photoblog entries, Chelo left a comment and mentioned about a photography movement in UK using camera phones. I was a little surprised yet not really. I was surprised because I haven’t really heard about it all this time, yet not really because of course, I can never underestimate our fertile (both young and old) minds when it comes to ideation.

I have yet to do research on this so called photography movement though. Hehe. Thanks, Chel. I wouldn’t really know if the photography is free style or follows rules, but in case this photography hobby of mine belongs, that'd be inspiring. =)


I've been asked why I use my camera phone in taking pictures. Why ever not?


photosandmemos March 23, 2009 at 12:17 AM  

i once blogged in multiply inviting everyone to make use of their camera phones (i'll loook for the link ha) because the cam phone movement was exhibiting in one of the galleries in london=) you cant imagine, cam phones ra ilang gamit, nice gyud ilang shots=)
thas why i blogged about it..mga around year 2006/2007 siguro to=) mao nang you make me smile, because i remember that group specifially, wh really make use of their cam phones=) keep it up jane=)

Aileen March 23, 2009 at 2:27 AM  

i used to take lots of photos using my camera phone. i should post one of them. most of the photos are my family though, making faces. hahaha!

but then, it slows down my low-end phone terribly. so i stopped.

but you continue, jane. kay nice kaau imong photos. express your artistic and creative self in whatever and however you want.

as i always say -- LOVE and ART should have no rules! =)

plain jin March 23, 2009 at 6:18 PM  

chel, sige. gai nya ko sa link ha? hehe. =)

ai, thanks kaayo. hehe. tinuod, love and art should have no rules. =)

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just another plain jin blog with just raw se p990i shots. =)

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